The PhD and doctoral symposium – 2019
This symposium takes place annually and is organised by doctoral candidates for doctoral candidates of the veterinary department and for guests. Based on project related speeches and poster presentations we aim to encourage communication and scientific discussion between postgraduates. Afterwards, there will be a social event with DJ and cocktails. Food and refreshments will be provided throughout the day
The 12ᵗʰ Doktorandensymposium will be held on September 27ᵗʰ 2019.
Participation is free of charge and registration in advance is required. Please register using the following link: registration. Deadline for registration is Jule 1ᵗʰ 2019 and for handing in abstracts it is July 15ᵗʰ 2019.
We kindly ask you to follow the specifications on formatting for the abstracts: template.
Participants of the symposium may obtain DRS and ATF credits.
Veterinarium Progressum
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich für Veterinärmedizin
Oertzenweg 19b
14163 Berlin
Contact person of academic staff
Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Oertzenweg 19b
14163 Berlin