To give students the opportunity to develop a multidimensional understanding of the body outside of the dissecting room and regardless of place and time, we have introduced plastination at the institute. These technique produces non-perishable specimens that are aesthetically pleasing, very realistic, durable as well as odor-free, are not affected by light or higher temperatures and do not present any health hazard (pregnant students). Our collection is continually expanded.
Anatomical-histological examination methods including various ways of fixating, embedding and staining
Cytometry, morphometry, fluorescence microscopy, fluorometry
Transmission electron microscopy of organs and tissues as well as of two- and three-dimensional cell cultures
Direct and indirect immunhostochemistry and cytochemistry, glycohistochemistry
Various methods to verify apoptosis
Cell biology
Isolation, identification and characterization of numerous cell types (e.g. microvascular endothelial cells, stem cells from the yolk sac, adult stem cells, ganulosa cells, tumor cells etc.)
Establishment of in vitro models of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis
Image Analysis
Life cell imaging
Proliferation tests
Molecular biology
Isolation of DNA and RNA from various cells
PCR, RT-PCR, real time RT-PCR
In situ-Hybridisation
Transfection of various cells in vitro by means of biological transfection methods
Gene silencing
Isolation of proteins from tissue and cell cutures
Western Blot
2 D-elektrophoresis