Two-photon NAD(P)H-FLIM reveals unperturbed energy metabolism of Ascaris suum larvae, in contrast to host macrophages upon artemisinin derivatives exposure
Aggregation of adult parasitic nematodes in sex-mixed groups analysed by transient anomalous diffusion formalism
Concurrent Ascaris infection modulates host immunity resulting in impaired control of Salmonella infection in pigs
Evaluation of copromicroscopy, multiplex-qPCR and antibody serology for monitoring of human ascariasis in endemic settings
Acute Ascaris infection impairs the effector functions of natural killer cells in single and Salmonella co-infected pigs
Th2-biased immune responses to body migrating Ascaris larvae in primary infection are associated with pathology but not protection
Ascaris suum infection in juvenile pigs elicits a local Th2 response in a setting of ongoing Th1 expansion
Quantifying metabolic activity of Ascaris suum L3 using resazurin reduction
Infection with soil-transmitted helminths and their impact on coinfections
Correlations between three ELISA protocols measurements of RTS,S/AS01-induced anti-CSP IgG antibodies
Immunization with excretory-secretory molecules of intestinal nematodes induces antigen-specific protective memory Th2 cell responses
Guts within guts: the microbiome of the intestinal helminth parasite Ascaris suum is derived but distinct from its host
Th2 and metabolic responses to nematodes are independent of prolonged host microbiota abrogation
Ascaris suum excretory/secretory products differentially modulate porcine dendritic cell subsets
Age-dependent rise in IFN-γ competence undermines effective type 2 responses to nematode infection
Whip- and pinworm infections elicit contrasting effector and distinct regulatory responses in wild house mice
The Host Peritoneal Cavity Harbors Prominent Memory Th2 and Early Recall Responses to an Intestinal Nematode
A helminth-derived chitinase structurally similar to mammalian chitinase displays immunomodulatory properties in inflammatory lung disease
Early immune initiation by porcine cells following Toxoplasma gondii infection versus TLR ligation
Influence of nutrition and maternal bonding on postnatal lung development in the newborn pig
Lectin-mediated bacterial modulation by the intestinal nematode Ascaris suum
Trilateral relationship: ascaris, microbiota, and host cells
The worm-specific immune response in multiple sclerosis patients receiving controlled Trichuris suis ova immunotherapy
Toward a porcine in vivo model to analyze the pathogenesis of TLR5-dependent enteropathies
The domestic pig as human-relevant large animal model to study adaptive antifungal immune responses against airborne Aspergillus fumigatus
Eosinophils are dispensable for the regulation of IgA and Th17 responses in Giardia muris infection
CD4+ Th immunogenicity of the Ascaris spp. secreted products
Bildquelle: —
Midha et al 2022
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Bildquelle: Institute of Immunology
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