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Compensation for disadvantages according to §11 RSPO

Compensation for disadvantages serves to enable students who are subject to health impairments due to disabilities and/or chronic illnesses to participate in their studies on an equal footing.

Students with a disability or chronic illness can apply for compensation for disadvantages in accordance with §11 RSPO.

This includes, for example, students with chronic somatic (physical) illnesses, mental illnesses, partial performance disorders (such as reading and spelling difficulties or ADHD/ADS) as well as sensory and mobility impairments. Only official approval creates legal certainty for all parties involved.

How does the application process work?

  • Step 1: Advice and, if necessary, a letter of recommendation: Freie Universität Berlin has established a central advice center for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. You can find detailed information there. During an individual consultation at the counseling center, a letter of recommendation tailored to your needs will be prepared. This letter of recommendation forms the basis for applying for specific compensation for disadvantages.
  • Step 2: Determining the specific compensation for disadvantages: With this letter of recommendation and the medical certificate, contact the chair of the examination board of the department, Prof. Bahramsoltani for the preclinical section or Prof. Meemken for the clinical section. Based on the recommendations, the compensation for disadvantages is coordinated as part of an individual study plan and/or examination adjustments.