French-German Summer School for the Promotion of Veterinary Science 2023
From feed to food and beyond – Veterinary competence to fight zoonoses and AMR
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Since 2012, the “French-German Summer School for the Promotion of Veterinary Science” (FGS) has been held with the aim of promoting more transparency and mutual cooperation. All university schools of Veterinary Medicine in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France participate: Alfort, Berlin, Giessen, Hanover, Leipzig, Liège, Lyon, Munich, Nantes, Toulouse, Vienna as well as Zurich-Bern. Every year we organize this Summer School at our locations for PhD students.
This year, the School of Veterinary Medicine at Freie Universität Berlin invites you to the FGS from June 14 to 22, 2023.
Under the title "From feed to food and beyond – Veterinary competence to fight zoonoses and AMR" PD Dr. Lars Mundhenk, Prof. Jürgen Zentek, Prof. Ard Nijhof, Prof. Stefan Schwarz and Prof. Marcus Fulde have prepared a varied program.
“We are very pleased to be the host of the French-German Summer School this year and have put together a broad, practical-scientific program on the topic of zoonoses and AMR in the food production chain for the participants at our department. In a pleasant atmosphere, our speakers as well as the participants will present their projects. Also getting to know the city and of course the exchange and fun should not be neglected during these days.”
– Prof. Dr. Marcus Fulde, Dean of Research
The events will take place under the thematic umbrella of the Veterinary Center for Resistance Research (TZR).
Each of the participating institutions can send up to two participants who are in postgraduate studies. Please use the registration form for this purpose. The deadline for registration is May 31, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Marcus Fulde by phone (+49 30 838 57224) or e-mail to