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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The maximum cell size for sorting is 40 µm. Bigger cells can block the device, which leads to a cost-intensive cleaning or even replacement of parts of the device.

Phenol red is not permitted in the sample buffer. It damages the Flowcell leading to a cost-intensive replacement.

Further components you should try to to avoid are PI and DAPI.

There are no restrictions regarding the collection buffer. If you want to culture your cells after sorting it is often a good choice to collect them in NKS.

This depends on many factors, like cell size, cell density or number of cells that need to be sorted.

If an experiment is performed for the first time a whole day of sorting should be planned. It often takes time to adjust the first settings. After the first sort estimates for the following sessions can be made.

In general, yes, because the same software is used on both devices. However, the Analyser is more sensitive than the Sorter. Moreover, distinguishing the cell populations using different fluorochromes is more important when working with the Sorter compared to the Analyzer. It is helpful to test different sorting strategies to find out what works best.

What works with the Analyser does not need to get good results using the Sorter!

We recommend unstained cells as negative control. If you want to sort transfected cultured cells you can use MOCK cells preferably transfected with the used empty vector.

For your first sort, the cell density of your sample should be 10x106 cells / ml. Depending on the findings, the cell density might then be adjusted.