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Contact, location & directions (car, public transport)

Get in touch with us:

Postal address:

Institute of Animal Pathology

Robert-von-Ostertag-Straße 15

14163 Berlin




You can reach Ms. Hepe and Ms. Slupina in Secretariat II at +49 30 838 62450.

Ms. Jantor (Secretariat I, phone: +49 30 838 62454) will be happy to answer any questions you may have about student matters (office hours for students: Monday to Wednesday from 11 to 13 o'clock).

On site:

You will find us on the Düppel campus, south of Königsweg (access via Königsweg recommended) in house 31. You can reach us by car or public transport.

Site plan Düppel

Summary of how to find us

Click on the graphic to enlarge it.