The Institute
Welcome to the homepage of the Institute of Veterinary Biochemistry. The Institute is situated in the southwest of Berlin in the city district of Zehlendorf, where you can easily reach us by car or public transportation. Our building is referred to as “Haus 12” at the Campus Düppel (Plan of Site).
Our dedicated teachers offer all relevant topics of Biochemistry for Veterinarians in the main lecture Vorlesung Biochemie I + II (2. + 3. Semester). Complementing the subjects studied in the main lecture, students perform seven different experiments in the Practical Course in Biochemistry (Biochemisches Praktikum). An online examination in the electronic system Blackboard supports students in self-assessment before individual oral examinations (6 tests in groups of 4 students per instructor).
Elective subjects such as Principles of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology of Reproduction, Biotechnology in Veterinary Science, lectured in small groups, complete the biochemistry curriculum.
PhD students of the postgraduate Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences of the Dahlem Research School (DRS) may attend seminars on Current Biomedical Methods or Preparing Scientific Poster-Presentations.
In addition to their teaching assignments, scientists of the Institute of Veterinary Biochemistry work on various externally funded projects in interdisciplinary veterinarian research.
The main focus of our research lies on
- Biology of Reproduction
- Cell Culture Systems
- In vitro Diagnostics and Bioassays
- Feed-mediated reactions within the gastro-intestinal tract
- Cellular Reaction and pathway analysis
- Risk Assessment of GM Food and Feed
Currently, we are supervising several dissertations in the above mentioned research fields. Besides selected master programs, we offer veterinarians as well as life scientists the opportunity of completing a doctoral thesis within the framework of the Ph.D. program “Biomedical Sciences” of the Dahlem Research School (DRS).
The Institute welcomes applications from candidates interested in a master or doctoral thesis or a laboratory internship.