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ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Prof. Dr. Benedikt Kaufer

Prof. Benedikt Kaufer, Director of the Institute of Virology at FU Berlin and one of the deputy spokespersons of the Veterinary Center for Resistance Research (TZR), is being funded by the European Research Council with 2 million euros.

News from Feb 01, 2023

The European Research Council (ERC) supports a new research project entitled "Endogenous Human Herpesvirus: Germ line integration and effects on host cell and organism - ENDo-Herpes" by Prof. Dr. Benedikt Kaufer with an ERC Consolidator Grant.

We cordially congratulate Prof. Kaufer for this extraordinary success!

For more information, please see the following press release (in German): https://www.fu-berlin.de/presse/informationen/fup/2023/fup_23_018-erc-consolidator-grant-virologie/index.html

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