Partners and collaborations
Collaboration with international organisations and institutions
For FAO and FAO member countries the FAO Reference Centre for Veterinary Public Health is prepared to
- provide reference laboratory services at its facilities in Berlin;
- contribute to the improvement of the disease diagnostic capability of national laboratories through training and capacity development, and also by organizing proficiency testing services;
- share biological materials and associated information to improve the performance and harmonization of reference laboratory services;
- technical expert services by personal visits to the countries and laboratories requested.
in Germany
- FAO Reference Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance at Freie Universität Berlin (established in 2019)
- FAO Reference Centre for Influenza in animals and Newcastle disease at the Friedich-Löffler-Institute (FLI) at Riems
- Department Biological Safety at the BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) in Germany
- FoodBerlin: Collaboration of Universities and Research Institutes in the federal states Berlin and Brandenburg
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Research & Training for Health at the Human-Animal-Environment Interface, at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Institute of Biometrics, Epidemiology & Information Processing
- GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – German Society for International Cooperation)
in Europe
- Serbia: Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade
- The Baltic states: Erasmus Intensive Programme Project “Veterinary Public Health and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases (VPHealth)"
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Denmark together with University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation & Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
in South-East Asia
Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Chiang Mai University (CMU), Chiang Mai ( Thailand) as our partner in the Joint Master Programme in Veterinary Public Health (MVPH) of the Freie Universität Berlin and CMU
- International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) at Nairobi (Kenya)