Online resources
In the database information system you will find a list of databases relevant to you:
Stichwort: Veterinärmedizin • Fachgebiet: Medizin
On the ZEDAT website you will find detailed instructions on how to use the VPN, so that you, a member of the university, have access to licensed content from home and from abroad.
The veterinary library participates in the scanning and digitization service for journal articles and books. Further information can be found on the linked overview. A detailed summary of the services of the FU libraries in times of the Corona pandemic can be found in the news of the UB.
In addition to the books available on site at the FU-Berlin, you have access to many on-topic e-books in the network of the FU-Berlin. Among others: Schlütersche, Thieme VetCenter
Futher information:
Further up-to-date information about the libraries of the Freie Universität can also be found in the biblioblog and on Twitter: @Biblio_FUBerlin.