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at the Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Königsweg 56 in Düppel and at Koserstraße 20 in Dahlem in analog form. The same information is available in digital form.
The information for the winter semester and summer semester is always displayed. As long as no more up-to-date information is available, you will see the information for the previous winter and summer semester.

Time and content organization of the courses in the field of 'Physiology' in the Veterinary Medicine degree program

Compulsory course

Physiologie I [2. FS]
Physiologische Übungen [4. FS]
mit GIT-Klausur*)
Klinische Biochemie und Physiologie [4. FS]
Physiologie II [3. FS]
Vorseminare zu den physiologischen Übungen [3. FS]
mit Lehrgesprächen, Vorseminaren / Klausuren

*) GIT = Gastrointestinaltrakt

Compulsatory electiv

In addition to the compulsory courses, varying compulsory elective courses are offered on different topics. If you have general questions about compulsory electives, please refer to the department's overview page on 'Wahlpflicht (WP)'.

WP Pathophysiologie ausgewählter Organsysteme II [4. FS]
WP Physiologie for Veterinarians [2. FS]
WP Veterinärmedizinisch-optische Bildgebungsmethoden
WP Chronic inflammation II [6. od. 8. FS]
WP Pathophysiologie ausgewählter Organsysteme I [3. FS]
WP Physiologie for Veterinarians [3. FS]
WP Chronic Inflammation I [5. oder 7. FS]

Further information on the courses currently offered can be found in the course catalog.