Physiological exercises
Dr. Linda Drößler
Königsweg 56, Hs. 11
14163 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 838 66936
The aim of the working group ist o continously adapt of the tet.folio-based script for the physiological exercises to the regularly occurring changes. Due to technological changes - more and more experiments are computerised or computer-assisted - the working group therefore works closely with the E-Learning and Information Technology working group...
The veterinary-physiological exercises help students to deepen the knowledge acquired in the lecture and to develop the ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practical application. An important focus is also on practising the recording and evaluation of numerical parameters, which makes it possible to measure physiological processes. Numerous experiments on humans, tissue or other preparations are used to consolidate these skills. For non-invasive investigations of physiological parameters on living animals, species-appropriate handling is an important additional training objective. Some experiments are carried out in virtual environments, which are also available to students for preparation and repetition at their home PC workstations. Furthermore our constant aim is to prepare students for a working environment in which computer-aided data collection and processing skills are a matter of course.