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Working Group Veterinary Public Health


  • Prof. Dr. Marcus Doherr


  • Dr. Céline Simoneit
  • Karoline Henke
  • Johanna Kersebohm
  • Carina Zernke


  • Demographics of small animals and disease coding (Zernke, Simoneit, Doherr)
  • E-Learning-Project Electives (Doherr)
  • Evaluation of claw health by data of a pedometer (KlauFitNet) (Doherr)
  • Veterinarians change: Survey of practising veterinarians and assistants (Kersebohm, Becher (LMU München), Doherr)
  • Customer perception regarding the impact of stakeholders on meat hygiene along the food chain (Henke, Alter (Inst. für Lebensmittelhygiene), Doherr)