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Colloquia, Lectures, Seminars

The RTG will offer colloquia, lectures and seminars specifically designed for their doctoral students. The mandatory lecture series “Parasite Infections: From laboratory-based research to natural systems” is tailored to the present RTG and will provide significant complementary training in the three focus research areas by the RTG faculty.

The Berlin Parasitological Seminar Series (BPS) is an established monthly seminar series organized by the RTG Faculty where internationally renowned parasitologists are invited to present their current research. Doctoral students will host guest speakers, serving as an opportunity to present their research projects and to establish links for exchange visits and postdoctoral opportunities.

In cooperation with the Center of Infection Biology and Immunity (ZIBI), a wide range of facultative lecture programs will be offered via this network of 28 researchers working on infection biology and immunology topics in Berlin. The ZIBI offers courses that are specifically designed for doctoral students in infection biology and immunology. The Berlin Life Science Colloquium is an established seminar series where international renowned guest speakers are invited to present their current research. Local scientists, who are experts in their research areas, offer general lecture series, such as “Infection Biology”, “Immunology” and “Clinic Club-Bedside Knowledge for Bench People”. These lectures are optional and aim to fill knowledge gaps. RTG students will organize a mandatory monthly “Students’ Day” to continuously present and discuss their work. Typically, two students will succinctly present the hypothesis and background of their project, and will discuss the data, areas for improvement, and future directions. This seminar is complemented by an optional, monthly Journal Club, where students will analyze and compare publications and will discuss the scientific background, methodology, data and conclusions with Faculty members, in order to improve their skills on how to interpret published data and place them in a contextual framework.

RTG Study Moduls

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