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Miguel Veiga

Project C4-2: Fitness consequences and determinants of parasite infections in a wild social carnivore, the spotted hyena

Miguel Veiga
Image Credit: Miguel Veiga

Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research

Department of Ecological Dynamics

Ecological Dynamics

Member since: April 2018

Research interest
Host-parasite dynamics in wildlife populations; Fitness consequences of infection; Non-invasive sampling

Title of PhD project
Fitness consequences and determinants of parasite infections in a wild social carnivore, the spotted hyena

Dr. Marion East, Prof. Dr. Heribert Hofer and Dr. Gábor Á. Czirják

Ferreira SCM, Veiga MM, Hofer H, East ML, Czirják Á. (2021).
Noninvasively measured immune responses reflect current parasite infections in a wild carnivore and are linked to longevity.
Ecol Evol 11:7685-99. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7602.

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