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Dr. Alyssa Ingmundson

Project A6: Characterizing host Rab GTPases involved in Plasmodium intracellular development: PhD student Otto Netzel (A6-3).


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Department of Biology

Molecular Parasitology

Research interest:

  • Plasmodium-Host Interaction

Kreutzfeld O, Grützke J, Ingmundson A, Müller K, Matuschewski K. (2021).
Absence of PEXEL-Dependent Protein Export in Plasmodium Liver Stages Cannot Be Restored by Gain of the HSP101 Protein Translocon ATPase.
Front Genet 12:742153. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.742153.

Hon C, Friesen J, Ingmundson A, Scheppan D, Hafalla JCR, Müller K, Matuschewski K. (2021).
Conservation of S20 as an Ineffective and Disposable IFNγ-Inducing Determinant of Plasmodium Sporozoites Indicates Diversion of Cellular Immunity.
Front Microbiol 12:703804. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.703804.

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