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Larissa Oser

Project C09-3:

Larissa Oser
Image Credit: Institut für Immunologie

Freie Universität Berlin

Department of Veterinary Medicine

Institute of Immunology

Member since: April 2021

Research interest

Intestinal nematodes, infection intensity, flow cytometry and cell sorting, multiplexing

Title of PhD project
The role of antigen-specific T cells in the distribution and predisposition of Ascaris suum in pigs

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Ebner

Elizalde-Velázquez LE, Schlosser-Brandenburg J, Laubschat A, Oser L, Kundik A, Adjah J, Groenhagen S, Kühl AA, Rausch S, Hartmann S. (2024).
Th2-biased immune responses to body migrating Ascaris larvae in primary infection are associated with pathology but not protection.
Sci Rep 14:14919. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-65281-0.

Mugo RM, Oser L, Midha A, Adjah J, Kundik A, Laubschat A, Höfler P, Musimbi ZD, Hayani R, Schlosser-Brandenburg J, Hartmann S, Rausch S. (2024).
Acute Ascaris infection impairs effector functions of natural killer cells in single and Salmonella co-infected pigs.
Sci Rep 14:14586. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-64497-4.

Oser L, Midha A, Schlosser-Brandenburg J, Rausch S, Mugo RM, Kundik A, Elizalde-Velázquez LE, Adjah J, Musimbi ZD, Klopfleisch R, Helm CS, von Samson-Himmelstjerna G, Hartmann S, Ebner F. (2024).
Ascaris suum infection in juvenile pigs elicits a local Th2 response in a setting of ongoing Th1 expansion.
Front Immunol 15:1396446. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1396446.

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