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Cows and more - Digital analyses on dairy farms

Now available in the Clinic for Ruminants and Swine!

A digital vulnerability analysis for dairy farms.

By systematically capturing animal-related criteria and indicators related to the behavior, habitus and metabolism of dairy cows, we can use Cows And More and their standardized analysis to identify weaknesses in attitude and management. Cows And More can also be used as an additional tool to legisll. required in-house control of animal welfare.

How is Cows And More performed?

Step 1: Visit to collect the data, after a short tour of the plant we will do the crediting three hours after the feed presentation. In this case, the number of animals that eat, walk or stand and lie, the cleanliness, the occurrence of technopathy is recorded in all animals of the group / stable.

Step 2: Computer-aided evaluation - the collected data are displayed graphically and compared with defined target or reference values.

Step 3: Receive a report with company-specific recommendations and optimization suggestions for attitude and management.

If you are interested, please contact the

Free University of Berlin
Clinic for Ruminants and Swine
Telephone: 030/83862261 or
Email: klauentierklinik@vetmed.fu-berlin.de