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Short Curative Internship

First section of the practical training in the curative veterinary practice 
(in short: short curative internship (kleines kuratives Praktikum) pursuant to sections 57(1), 58 and 59 TAppV)


150 hours within at least 4 weeks, consecutive


  • at the earliest, after passing the propaedeutic exam (at the end of the 5th semester)

  • at the latest before the start of the clinical rotations (beginning of the 9th semester)


after the examinations at the end of the 5th (or 6th) semester


  • 150 hours within at least 4 weeks at one institution or

  • 75 hours each within at least 2 weeks at 2 different institutions


Veterinary practice, veterinary clinic


Sections 58 and 59 TAppV


EU country, other signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and Switzerland


1 to 2 certificates as specified in Annexes 8 and 10 TAppV

Learning Objectives

For the learning objectives, please see the learning objective catalogue.


Please submit the completed evaluation forms together with your internship certificate in person at the Veterinary Library (Building 6, Oertzenweg 19 b, 14163 Berlin). Evaluation forms and internship certificate can be found in the booklet “Guide to EPT” [German version].