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Elective Internship

Elective Internship
(section 60 TAppV)


Part of the long curative internship can also be completed as an elective internship


At least 75 hours within 2 weeks, up to a maximum of 350 hours within 8 weeks per internship institution, consecutive


Time of clinical rotations during the 9th semester and 10th semester (1st October to 30th September of the following year)


  • 1 to 2 different institutions,

  • minimum duration: 75 hours within 2 weeks per institution               


  • Veterinary practice, veterinary clinic, institute at a university with a natural science/medicine specialization;

  • research institute of the German federal government and the governments of the German states with tasks related to natural science/medicine;

  • veterinary inspection and/or testing institution, veterinary administration office;

  • government animal health service, animal health office, insemination station;

  • scientifically managed zoos;

  • pharmaceutical industry in research, production and testing of medications, food industry in production and inspection of foods of animal origin;

  • feed industry in production and testing of compound feeds


Section 60 TAppV




1 to 2 certificates according to Annex 11 TAppV


Please submit the completed evaluation forms together with your internship certificate in person at the Veterinary Library (Building 6, Oertzenweg 19 b, 14163 Berlin). Evaluation forms and internship certificate can be found in the booklet “Guide to EPT” [German version].